Ridal and Son
The latest meeting of Furness Mark Lodge No 36 saw Terry Ridal advanced into the order.
There were 28 members and a handful of visitors present who were able to enjoy an excellent ceremony.
Ian Cottam, Terry and Andrew Ridal
WM Ian Cottam undertook the first part of the advancement in fine style. He then handed over the reins to Brain Davey who orated the middle part of the ceremony in his usual accomplished manner and with all the panache you expect from this noted ritualist.
Bill Glassey, Bob Herbert, Darren Stainton, John Parrott, Kieron Mullan and Dennis Laird
Following up after the presentation of the jewel and apron was Senior Overseer Graham Benson who undertook his work in an excellent manner. On this occasion he received a little assistance as he did not have the task of presenting the working tools.
Brian Davey, Graham Benson, Peter Dismore and Stuart Brackstone
Andrew Ridal, the son and proposer of Terry, stepped forward to present the working tools. Needless to say this surprise move was very well received. It was remarked on during the evening that Terry may be Ridal Senior at home but when it comes to the Mark degree he is in fact Ridal Junior.
Terry Ridal and Peter Schofield
Terry was for 35 years a building inspector. He worked, and helped train, Peter Schofield who is the Furness and South Lakeland group chairman as well as the Master Overseer of Furness Mark Lodge. Peter left to form his own very successful construction company and was then subject to inspections by Terry who had on occasions to sometimes reject work.
Geoff Waters John Torrance WM of Jubilee Mark Lodge and Bill Joughin
The three Overseers played their parts well but in particular it was noted that the dialogue between the Master Overseer and candidate was delivered with great relish by Peter as he got a bit of his own back on Terry! There were smiles all round.
It was a busy evening as the annual election of officers took place.
John Myers and Peter Quirk
Senior Warden John Parrott was named Master Elect. He will succeed the man who had seconded his nomination for advancement.
John Myers fought of all the competition to be re-elected treasurer!
Andrew’s Grand Mark Lodge Certificate had been received and this was presented to him by special representative Stuart Brackstone who had also presented Terry with a letter of welcome from Keith Beardmore the Provincial Grand Master.
The brains trust!
With the name of another candidate for advancement put forward on the evening John will have work to occupy him once he ascends to the chair.
There is little doubt that the qualities that John has displayed in other orders will ensure that under his direction Furness Mark Lodge continues to deliver good quality ritual accompanied by the occasional smile or two and great camaraderie. In short all the good things that make the degree what it is – the friendly degree.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear